retro recess:
a global adult playgroup 

retro recess is a community and global adult play brand that curates safe and supportive spaces for adults to connect with their inner child through engaging in playful activities at our organized playdates, play workshops, creative projects, play retreats, play festivals, and immersive experiences. we passionately cultivate an environment where adults can rediscover the joy and wonder of their inner child and reconnect with and heal parts of themselves, leading to a more fulfilled and joyful life.

our mission….

at retro recess, we believe nurturing the inner child within us is essential for our well-being and happiness in a world overflowing with responsibilities and stresses. our mission is to create a safe and supportive space for adults to engage in playful activities, connect with like-minded individuals, and embark on journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. we are dedicated to fostering a sense of childlike curiosity, spontaneity, and imagination in all our members, encouraging them to play hard, play freely, and collaborate with others while rediscovering the joy and wonder of their inner child through meaningful play.